Sunday, January 28, 2018

28 January 2018 m00bie dump #1

Saturday, January 27, 2018

27 January 2018 m00bie dump #3

Great--I love the signs!

This is wonderful--I hope Seth makes this a regular feature!

27 January 2018 m00bie dump #2

The GOP are traitors to a man [sic]. They all belong in prison!

Someone should give these border control monsters a taste of their own medicine.

This. Is. Fucking. Dangerous. tRUmp IS inciting his base to murder innocent journalists and reporters trying to do their first amendment JOB. We need a Blue Tsunami in 2018, friends, and we need to sweep out this trash and make sure this shit never happens again!

I so wish that Judge Rosemarie Aquilina had presided over rapist Brock Turner's trial.


Another truly well-reasoned piece from TYT. Rep. Meehan may have fallen in love with his staffer, but he had no right to use his position of power in his interactions with her--and that's exactly what he did.

27 January 2018 m00bie dump #1

Greetings, friends. My dad is still in the rehab, so I still haven't had time to blawg except for posting vids. I'll see if I can find a few minutes to update y'all tomorrow.
- Dot Calm's shadow

I love this video from Sam Bee! If only our elected officials would watch it--and if only our media would cover it.

This is a well-reasoned take on the so-called Aziz Ansari scandal. My take is that he assumed more than he should have and made his moves without getting consent first, but what he did in no way constitutes assault because he effin' stopped as soon as she said to. So, he's at fault for being a jerk--but, since his intent was never predatory, he'll learn from this and act more wisely next time. She was at fault for expecting him to read her mind and for not communicating more clearly up front. And she had no right to anonymously smear the man, potentially ruining his career. I have no idea what she will learn from all of this, but I hope she learns to communicate more clearly and proactively if she doesn't like how she's being treated. She also needs to learn that it's not her job simply to do what others want or expect of her just because she's female. Her automatic compliance and his automatic assumptions make them both products of our culture, which I sincerely hope the MeToo movement will help grow and change for the better.

THIS is what we need in our government!!!!! Welcome, Jim Keady! Throw him a buck o' five when you can--I will.

I keep hearing that the Women's March was even bigger this year--yay! I love it!! Too bad the "liberal" media didn't cover it.

Sunday, January 21, 2018

21 January 2018 m00bie dump #1

This is sad, people. Republican policies starting with Reagan's tax cuts for the rich and demonization of the poor have literally shortened the lifespans of innocent American children over the past few decades. In the past two years, the average adult lifespan has decreased, too. NEVER let Republicans tell you they're pro-life!

Norwegians would NEVER emigrate to this shithole, where we also excel at gun deaths.

I wish every evangelical would watch this--watch and learn.

Pay attention, friends. David Cay Johnston tells it like it is. There is so much crap being flung at us daily that we literally can't keep up. This wholesale weakening of this country plays right into the hands of the far-right in this country and into Putin's hands.

This is YUGE--tRUmp's corruption quid pro quo rewards for Deutschebank. But there's so much crap going on--and media focus on the salacious rather than the substantial--that this isn't getting nearly as many news cycles as it deserves.

Saturday, January 20, 2018

20 January 2018 m00bie dump #4

These will knock your sox off!!

First, a little background...

Chromium? Really?? How could this possibly be related?!

After all that amazing wind-up, here's the real story--Mueller is blocking tRUmp's spies from getting Ban'em's testimony!

Again, the Republicans show what fucking traitors they are. But at least they let the Dems run the table and get the whole story from Fusion GPS.

Remember tRUmp's inaugural slush fund? Where is that money now? Hm!!!!!

Because duh.

Friends, I may add more to this today...maybe top priority is to get my errands run so I can go hang with my dad at rehab for the day. We're both looking forward to his coming come and our lives getting back to normal. In the meantime, thanks for your patience--I'm not even proofreading this stuff for typos because I just want to get it posted and get on with what I need to do so I can go take care of my dad. Catch yas on the flip side!

20 January 2018 m00bie dump #3

Friends, this video is important, terrifying, and haunting. And this dystopia is the evangelicals' and Republicans' wet dream come true.

Cheez, shithole idiot boy took a fucking victory lap after his shithole remarks...

Wonderful. Lawrence gives the inside story on what Senator Feinstein did and why it was so unusual, brave, and necessary. And the transcript itself gives damning testimony on the treason of the entire Republican party. LOCK THEM UP! LOCK THEM UP!! LOCK THEM UP!!!


20 January 2018 m00bie dump #2

So awesome!

20 January 2018 m00bie dump #1

Friends, my dad came down with a respiratory infection and a UTI and has been in the hospital and rehab since I blawgged last. I've been splitting my time between work and being with him along with handling a few emergencies for my volunteer project. I'm amazed I'm still in a locked upright and vertical position. The good news is that my dad is mending apace--getting stronger every day. A week or two from now should have us both back home watching our favorite old shows on MeTV and Cozi--and me eating dinner again. I'll post more on the main blawg when I get a minute. Thanks for your patience and well wishes for my awesome dad!

tRUmp "may" have dementia. The TYT folks have to be careful how they phrase it, but we all know that tRUmp is mentally incompetent, despite his ordering Dr. Ronny Johnson to say otherwise. Remember--presidential physicals have lied to cover up impairments from FDR's polio to JFK's Addison's to Reagan's Alzheimers. These doctors are military and thus under the military chain of command, including from the commander in chief. They are neither independent nor objective--at least not in what they can say to the American public.

In America, we just lurve our home-grown right-wing terrorists. We do everything in our power to protect them so they can kill moar and moar of us.

Bat-shit Bachmann (aka "crazy eyes") is back...

Joe is a misogynist who fawned all over his good buddy tRUmp and shit all over Hillary; however, he and his panels still sometimes capture the truth.

This is serious shit.

Just got my copy. Hm--haven't seen a mass exodus yet.

tRUmp and the Republicans are sick, sick bastards--sadists who revel in inflicting suffering and death on the innocent.

Bannon serves his white supremacist agenda uber alles.

Friends, I'm going to close the post with this truly important video. America does NOT value human life. Our society treats human beings like expendable crap. Evangelicals are the worst hypocrites of them all about this. We really need to adopt a more European model for how we do business--a Hippocratic oath, if you will--and especially for how we educate our children, care for our sick and elderly, and rehabilitate our offenders.

Saturday, January 6, 2018

6 January 2018 m00bie dump #1 (Holy epiphany, Batman! ;)

WHAT?!?? Ivanka used her personal e-mail for official government business? LOCK HER UP! LOCK HER UP!! LOCK HER UP!!!

Poor Pocahontas tRUmp has a tiny, shriveled, useless button and should not be bragging about that fact.

I hafta admit that I'm enjoying the White House shit-show falling out from the release of Michael Wolff's "Fire and Fury" tell-all book, but let's not forget: tRUmp and the GOP are still jumping through their own assholes to move Kobach's voter suppression committee into DHS so they can disenfranchise even more Democratic voters; KKKeebler elf Jeff Sessions is re-criminalizing marijuana so they can imprison (and thus disenfranchise) even more people of color while enriching their private-prison-owning donors; and the entire GOP is working overtime to prove that foreigners like Christopher Steele (whom the DoJ now plans to "investigate") care more about protecting American democracy than the entire Republican party does. Every last one of these fucking traitors belongs in prison, and, as part of their punishment, we need to confiscate every penny they and their traitorous donors have stolen from us and give it back to the American people. Civil asset forfeiture ain't just for people of color, yo!

These are all great, but I especially love the words to this one (I'm looking at you, Mitch--you bitch)!

Monday, January 1, 2018

Happy New Year! Break out the popcorn--let's watch some m00bies!

Instead of this porn--which costs millions of dollars that SHOULD be spent saving Americans and improving the quality of our lives--can we please just give Dear Leader jackass a fleshlight to masturbate with already?!??

'Bout time!

Ha ha! I wish Roy Moore's full Monty (eww!!) showing all his lunacy and flaws would convince Alabamians to leave that stinking, festering pile of dog crap alone, but I wouldn't bet any money on it!

Oh look--it's Franklin Graham and the rest of the evangelical hypocrites!

My bestie turned me on to "It confounds the science" by Parody Project; today, YouTube turned me on to these gems!

Only Parody Project could add redeeming value to the world's worst two Christmas songs...

Brief but good!