Saturday, June 30, 2018

30 June 2018 m00bie dump #2

America's status? It's complicated. Americans' divorce from reality? Looks like we were never really married.... Yup.

30 June 2018 m00bie dump #1

And for this, Dictator Xi banned an entire cable channel from China.

Sunday, June 24, 2018

24 June 2018 m00bie dump #1

Here's a little bubble gum for your brain...

Damn, son--Michelle Wolf is spot on, and I love her more than ever. I miss Walter Cronkite, and I like how the Brits do it...


Dear god...

Dear god!

Dear god!!

Important--watch the whole thing!

And the Russians are coming here, squatting, and squeezing out as many anchor babies as they can, starting chain Melania violated her tourist visa to do...and which I thought Republicans and MAGAts hated...

Saturday, June 23, 2018

23 June 2018 m00bie dump #3


Yay! I love seeing Sam Seder as a regular contributor on MSNBC. He cleans up good.

You and I are enriching all the disgusting Republicans, like Sessions, who own or own stock in private prisons. You and I are paying to torture the children our government kidnaps. Vile.

Wow. This Secretary Nielsen "woman" is pure piss and vinegar. Only piss and vinegar are nicer than she is.

23 June 2018 m00bie dump #2

Friends, I really had to steel myself up to listen to this. And I still wept. And I am still weeping. Don't say "this is not America" because it's what we've always been, starting from committing genocide on our native first nations and right through slavery. It's time to own our history so that we can chart a new course saying, "This is who we were, but we choose never to be that again."

WTF is wrong with Ann Coulter's face?!?? I swear--being evil fucks up your looks! Case in point: I'm old enough to remember when Sarah Palin was pretty--before she started looking all distorted like Lambchop!

JFC. Frankly, I'm shocked they didn't kick us out first.

I love this.

Baud2Bits hasn't been around lately--at least not on YouTube--but I still go back and rewatch some of his old vids. They're that good.

Here's one of my favorite Baud2Bits vids. It really struck me the first time I heard it a couple years ago.

Another on Prager, who's definitely FU'ed

Well, that was a fun little detour into critical thinking. And now, back to documenting our government's torture of innocent babies and children. Don't forget--Ryan and McConnell are using the tRUmp administration's crime against humanity to commit one against those of us who are already citizens paying into or collecting Medicaid, Medicare, and Social Security. I shit you not!

Chop off a limb, then throw a dainty Band-Aid toward the hemorrhaging stump...

23 June 2018 m00bie dump #1

I love Ari Melber.

Michael Avenatti is a true superhero without a cape. I'll be donating and posting information for you to donate to help Mr. Avenatti in his fight for Stormy Daniels and for the immigrant children our government has kidnapped and disappeared.

Poll: Americans HATE tRUmp's child and baby gulags.
No poll needed: Republicans HATE children.
Lololol--how dare they jail Paulie "Walnutz" Manafort with teh poorz and teh Blax?!?? But wait--didn't Laura Ingraham say that prison is like happy fun summer camp?

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Fathers' Day 2018 m00bie dump #4


Fathers' Day 2018 m00bie dump #3

Good. Maybe it will distract him from killing so many innocent people with his policies then.

Again, if you watch nothing else, be sure to watch Randi, like and subscribe, and buy a stinkin' podcast.

Anybody else feel like landing a good, solid left cross onto James Comey's jaw?


This makes me smile. I have no sympathy for this traitor. I do, however, have sympathy for the innocent families his Manchurian candidate is now gleefully ripping apart from the White House.

Another don't-miss from Randi Rhodes. She, Stephanie Miller, and Rachel Maddow are my trifecta of go-to n00z.

Rachel's coverage of Manafort's being remanded into custody is interesting and informative.

Fathers' Day 2018 m00bie dump #2

I hate what tRUmp is doing in OUR names and spending OUR tax money on--incarcerating innocent children whose families come here legally seeking asylum. But there is good news: Paulie "Walnutz" Manafort is in prison--LOCK HIM UP! LOCK HIM UP!! LOCK HIM UP!!!--for BREAKING THE FUCKING LAW while on BAIL! The judge's statements in the case, which I'll be posting here today, are stunning. Whew! Michael Cohen can't be too far away from either being arrested or flipping like an IHOb pancake. Many people are saying that Manafort can't flip because Putin's polonium will find him sooner or later; if that's true, then I sincerely hope he's enjoying his time in more $10,000 suits, $100,000 cars, or lavish home, dining, and lifestyle. GOOD.

- Dot Calm's shadow


Don't get scared--get mad and FIGHT LIKE HELL!!!!! Look, we all can't be out on the streets all day every day. But if we all do what we can when we can--march when we can, donate when and what we can, and especially get registered, vote, and help others get registered and vote--then we WILL win this fight. What choice do we have?

Hehe. Couldn't happen to a more deserving guy.

Good. Scott Walker has been killing Wisconsin for far too long.


Fathers' Day 2018 m00bie dump #1

Friends, although I'll be celebrating my wonderful dad today, I can hardly wish y'all a "Happy Fathers' Day" when our government is willfully ripping innocent children away from their parents--who are here legally seeking asylum from death and violence--to incarcerate them simply for being brown and poor. And tRUmp is doing this at a rate of 50 children per day...children who will suffer lifelong psychological effects if they're lucky enough to survive...if they're not among those being sold to human traffickers "lost."

Please check the main page and call the numbers listed to restore these children to their families.

- Dot Calm's shadow


On a happier note, June is Pride Month. Happy Pride Month, y'all!


Friends, the corporate media are NOT our friends. They are already trying to manufacture higher approval ratings for agent orange foolius and tell us that GOP ratings are higher than they really are...just as they bought into and amplified all the anti-Hillary hype and petted, pampered, normalized, and gave billions of free advertising to cheetolini prior to the 2016 election. Caveat viewer!

Everything about the policy of ripping children away from their parents is self-defeating. When you do this, you have to multiply your housing, prosecution attorneys' case loads, etc. etc. etc. just for the sadistic joy of torturing innocent children and their parents so that you can fuck up an entire generation who never said boo to you.

Please watch Randi's videos if you watch nothing else. Don't forget to like and subscribe. Oh, and buy a stinkin' podcast!

Saturday, June 9, 2018

9 June m00bie dump #2--the Caps won the Stanley Cup Thursday, and Justify won the Belmonst Stakes and Triple Crown today! W00t!!!

Another piece of horrible n00z this week--an all-too-good, all-too-intelligent soul, Anthony Bourdain, took his own life yesterday. Dear FSM. He was even-handed, relentlessly devoted to understanding the people of the world on their own terms, and dedicated to sharing all of us with each other so that we all could learn and love each other as the one human family we all truly are. His loss devastates me--especially since he absolutely loathed tRUmp, coining the spit-take-funny nickname "spambo" when agent orange cadet bone spurs bragged he'd have run unarmed into Stoneman Douglas to confront the gunman armed with an AR-15. *sigh*

Important video! Don't miss it!

Another important video...sickening but important. Yikes.

RUDEy Ghouliani is one disgusting, vomit-inducing piece of human filth. Period.

The fish rots from the head...Pruitt belongs not buying pens but living in the pen--and dying there penniless once we confiscate all the money he's stolen from us and put it back into saving the planet and ourselves.

I sooooo want Hannity to die penniless in jail. Give his millions back to the poor he's bilked in his FUX Noise conspiracy theories and "real estate" (aka money laundering) scams on the disadvantaged.

Hmmm. Veddy intedestink.

I hope this traitor rots in prison, too, and that his millions are confiscated and spent to benefit those among us who need it most. You know--everyone the Republicans hate.

Incredibly worthwhile, important show. Randi talks about suicide--its main cause being feeling disconnected from other people, which causes the feelings of low self-worth, feelings that our families would be better off without us--and the loss of Anthony Bourdain. I've thought about killing myself; so did Randi; so did her callers. Shockingly common--the kind of depression that leads people of all ages to consider taking their own lives does not discriminate by age, sex, wealth, success, fame, or anything else. In fact, fame seems to be a real killer because it's so isolating.

9 June m00bie dump #1--the Caps won the Stanley Cup Thursday, and Justify won the Belmonst Stakes and Triple Crown today! W00t!!!

So, the title of this post offers up the good n00z for this week...yay!...but, alas, these videos rub our noses in the bad n00z...urk.  :P

Pardons are for criminals, and perjury traps are for liars.

tRUmp is such a whiny crybaby--"You don't wanna come to my party? Well, you CAN'T come to my party! Just because I hate you and treat you with contempt doesn't mean that you shouldn't want to kiss my ass--stop being so mean to me! WAAH WAAAH WAAAHHHHH!!!!!" ...I hope the Caps don't go to the All-White House...blerch!

Sunday, June 3, 2018

3 June 2018 m00bie dump #4--last little push

tRUmp adds yet another crime to his light-years' long list--insider trading.

Many people are saying that tRUmp beat up or killed Melania and that, if she is still alive, she is too bruised and swollen to appear in public. Others say that she had plastic surgery to make herself look younger rather than benign kidney surgery...Randi Rhodes joked that Melania had vaginal rejuvenation surgery. The latest tweets from the FLOTUS Twitter account read more like poorly-done proof-of-life tweets than anything Melania might have actually written. In any event, it's sad that we wouldn't put anything of the sort past the rotters squatting in the People's House.

3 June 2018 m00bie dump #3

After everything tRUmp has called Sally Yates ("cunt") and everything else he's said and done--and all those Hillary-is-a-cunt tee shirts tRUMP's deplorables love to wear to his rallies, conservatives have their panties in a twist about Sam Bee calling Ivanka tRUmp a "feckless cunt" because of Ivanka tRUmp's feckless, cunty actions....
Superman wears Michael Avenatti pajamas...

Holy shitballs!!! Republicans are openly campaigning on being corrupt pedophile traitor rapist Nazis...!

tRUmp is shocked--shocked, I tell you--that OTHER countries can set tariffs, too, and ON US! Dear world leaders, if you want to retaliate against agent orange foolius, PLEASE tariff the everlovin' hell out of tRUmp products and properties. Don't set tariffs on our products--nothing you do to harm ordinary Americans has any effect on tRUmp except to aid his microscopic hard-on. If you want to have an effect on him, go after HIM.

3 June 2018 m00bie dump #2

Interesting! This is from April, and it's really interesting to watch now.

And this, friends, is why we need to go back to teaching critical thinking instead of magical thinking.


This ice-cold bitch deserved everything she got and much, much more. Hey, Ivanka--where are the children, princess champagne popsicle? How many hours did your make-up artists and hair stylists work on you to make you look "natural"? How long did the staged photo shoot take--you know, the one you carefully crafted as a royal fuck-you to those less privileged than you? You can stick those champagne popsicles up your ass, kremlin Barbie--we know they will never melt up there. You feckless cunt!

3 June 2018 m00bie dump #1

Buckle up, folks.

tRUmp = treason. GOP = complicit.