Sunday, January 21, 2018

21 January 2018 m00bie dump #1

This is sad, people. Republican policies starting with Reagan's tax cuts for the rich and demonization of the poor have literally shortened the lifespans of innocent American children over the past few decades. In the past two years, the average adult lifespan has decreased, too. NEVER let Republicans tell you they're pro-life!

Norwegians would NEVER emigrate to this shithole, where we also excel at gun deaths.

I wish every evangelical would watch this--watch and learn.

Pay attention, friends. David Cay Johnston tells it like it is. There is so much crap being flung at us daily that we literally can't keep up. This wholesale weakening of this country plays right into the hands of the far-right in this country and into Putin's hands.

This is YUGE--tRUmp's corruption quid pro quo rewards for Deutschebank. But there's so much crap going on--and media focus on the salacious rather than the substantial--that this isn't getting nearly as many news cycles as it deserves.


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