Thursday, October 26, 2017

26 October 2017 m00bie dump #1

I tweeted that FOX News doesn't understand what "debunked" means, since they keep spewing debunked bunk...

John Kelly is a piece of shit. Never forget that he's just as gawd-awful as tRUmp. And, yes, it's worse than just lying and attacking Rep. Wilson. MUCH worse.

BAHAHAHAHAHAHA--in perhaps the only truth Rexxon ever spoke, tRUmp is a fucking moron. If tRUmp were intelligent or educated, he wouldn't have to say so. If he'd been a "nice student," he wouldn't have gotten his violent ass kicked out of normal school and dumped into a military academy. If he were actually civil, his own words via tweets, recordings, and video wouldn't show him to be the uncouth, uncivil piece of shit he clearly is.

tRUmpublicans are the LEAST likely to take personal responsibility for their own actions. Bastards.

Thursday, October 19, 2017

19 October 2017 m00bie dump #1

TRUMPGHAZI TRUMPGHAZI TRUMPGHAZI. If you haven't gotten the back-story on what the phuque we're doing in Niger, Randi's gotcha covered.

chimpie conveniently forgets how much of tRUmp and todaze Greedy Old PEWtinist party he and his fomented. He conveniently forgets how jingoistic he was. He conveniently forgets his own bullying and squashing of our voices, our dissent, and our rights. He conveniently forgets HE BUILT THIS. In short, George W. Bush is still a crazy-ass, right-wing nut-job rat bastard who can go to hell for dragging us into war using lies and for setting up the conditions that enabled the current baboon to brachiate into the White House. Oh, and anuddathing: why the FUCK is it only acceptable for Repukes to come out and speak the truth AFTER they're no longer running for office? Why are these fuckers NOT speaking the truth WHILE they're in office, duh?!?? Fuck them--FUCK THEM ALL!!!!!!

Monday, October 16, 2017

16 October 2017 m00bie dump #2

Why, it's as if tRUmp and Jared are dueling to see who can be the biggest loser! Who can lose the most in real estate? Who can make the worst decisions? Stay t00ned and find out--inquiring minds want to gno!

This will piss you the hell off.

Malcolm Nance enlightens us on the implications of Bobby Three Sticks's latest maneuvers.

Kellywise creeps the fuck outta me!
...That said, Kate McKinnon can literally do anything. ANYTHING.

Mueller's team is closing in on tRUmp's inner circle. But remember: Mueller is not and cannot be our "savior." We still need responsible Republicans to impeach and remove tRUmp. All Mueller can do is indict...and I'm sure he will.

Who knew Mike Ditka was such a racist jackass? Now we all do!

News flash, friends: we're fucked. Bigly.

16 October 2017 m00bie dump #1

Friends, there may be some overlap between this dump and the last, but remember--you get what you pay for! 😉

(Srsly, go to the main page and click the Patreon link there if you want better service!) 😜

Fucking sickening. Our prisons = the new plantation; incarceration = the new slavery.

As if we didn't already know, Democrats have more and stronger moral fiber than Republicans--when we heard about Harvey Weinstein's sexual abuses and assaults, we dumped him out on his fat, pasty white, fat ass. When Republicans heard about tRUmp's sexual abuses and assaults, they made him predisent!

The content of this video is more interesting than its prosaic title--watch!

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

10 October 2017 m00bie dump #1


Thursday, October 5, 2017

5 October 2017 m00bie dump #2

Erm, what did I say in the last post about the seriousness of our comedians compared to our breathless, reality-denying corporate media and our corrupt, greedy, reality-denying Republican government?

I'd feel better about this n00z if it weren't for tRUmp's ominous "you'll see" cliff-hanger about the calm before the he going to (a la John McCain's warped little ditty) nuke, nuke, nuke...nuke North Korea? Fire Tillerson? Fire Mueller? My bet (and I hope to high heaven I'm wrong) is that combover Caligula (as John Fugelsang calls him) is going to bomb something and maybe fire Mueller for good measure whenever he thinks we're too distracted by le bombs. Remember how the media orgasmed when tRUmpy launched missiles into Syria and dropped the MOAB? Don't think he wasn't fixated by all that media gush, which he gobbled up. Those st00pit media fux, in trying to straddle grabbing ratings and hanging their hats on something apparently "normal" about this administration--apparently, thanks to the chimp bombing Iraq, they think that predisents bombing people for no reason is "normal"--encouraged tRUmp to go a-bombing again whenever he needs his brittle little ego buffed. Holy FUCK!!!!!

I dunno what anyone expected, given that tRUmp takes $3M golf vacations every week and gleefully approves all their lavish private jet boondoggles...

I still think the timing on this is interesting. If the Rexxon-fucking-moron called the tRUmp-fucking-moron a "fucking moron"--probably the first true statement Rexxon has uttered since hiring on for Exxon 10,000 years ago--back in July, why is it being leaked exactly now? Hm...!

Apparently, taking bribes is Vance's M.O. He needs to RESIGN. Stench Eau Du tRUmp does NOT wash off!

FFS. How SICK are we?!??

ARGH!!!!! Dunno 'bout you, but I need something funneh after that last video.

5 October 2017 m00bie dump #1

Have you seen Rexxon's hostage video yet? If the man ever had a penis, it fell off while they taped that video!

tRUmp and his effin' swamp effin' STINK!

No duh, Rachel!


Greedy fucking jackass. I want every penny back!!!!!

Feckin' [sic] BRILLIANT!

POTUS Kelly must've confiscated tRUmpy's ickle phone because--contrary to popular expectation--there was no apparent tweetstorm from Putin's cock holster the following Sunday morning!

Since both the Republican government and the corporate media are only out to fleece us for a buck, the only people we can trust for accurate, serious news and analysis are...the comedians?!??