Like Granny D, I have watched my own beloved country change, and I am angry beyond words about what I see. I grew up seeing America as the equivalent of the movie good guy, the hero in the white hat who came to the rescue of those in need around the world. I have watched in silent horror as the corporations, the captains and the kings of industry, used a comparatively small outlay of cash to buy the Republicans to use as their shills. George W. Bush is the puppet cowboy-king of shills, the proverbial emperor with no clothes. Every day, I watch these evil men legalize, legitimize, and institutionalize robbing the poor to pay the rich. They are carving up America like a giant carcass and doling out choice chunks of its meat to themselves and their cronies. Since the Democrats have been sipping at the same corporate teat where the Republicans have been gorging for the past generation, the fascists are free to do their worst; there is no longer any opposition. There is no one left to stand up for the rights of the American people, the Constitution, or the democracy, which I fear will be replaced by a fascist dictatorship in my lifetime. Wake up, America: we need a REVOLUTION NOW!
I don't trust Blake Hounshell--he was one of the Politico editors taking bribes by way of an expensive dinner with steaks and fancy wine at Czar a Wargo. I don't understand why respectable media even gives such a liar a platform. David Corn, on the other hand, represents independent media, which in turn represents the best interests of us average Americans.
Talk about race to the bottom--every last tRUmp family member tries to outdo the others in st00pit...
Treason's greedings, friends; my dad is still in the rehab--coming home next week--so I'm still limping along as far as le blawg. I've been more active on Twitter, though, so don't forget to follow me there. Until I'm back blawgging in full force, here are some timely m00bies to keep you abreast of n00z you can use.
Please check the main page for a teeny tiny post from earlier today--thanks! And now...moar m00bies!
Again, MSNBC isn't telling the whole story here, so please check todaze post on the main page for why Mueller's 13 Russian indictments are important.
These fucking evangelical lunatics need locked up for their own protection AND ours! Grrrr!!!!! How much you wanna bet that that rich Copeland bitch got her fucking flu shot and would be more than happy to accept state of the art hospital treatment if she came down with the flu?!??
I can't even. Fuck ICE. Let's deport them all to Russia and get some honest, compassionate officers in our borders and customs offices.
Lol--"tRUmp's hair tried to fly to Mar a Lago without him"!! I call this tRUmp's "electrocuted peacock" look.
"Hey, tRUmp--there's one draft you couldn't dodge!" Should we tell tRUmp that his initiative to increase global warming will only cause MORE wind?!??
What happened to John Kelly? Sorry to hafta tell ya, but he was always a misogynistic, bigoted monster. It's who he always was. Military service does not must needs make someone honorable or give someone integrity. Aside from John Kelly's physical self control over his weight and his veneer of professionalism, he and tRUmp are interchangeable. I'll say it again: interchangeable.
I hafta confess: Christopher Wray is tainted, as are all Republican filth, but he is showing more integrity than I ever suspected he would. And for that, I am grateful. Do I think he should step down because the FBI dropped the ball on the Parkland shooting? No--at least, not until Rick "Voldemort" Scott and tRUmp step down for making AR-15s so easy for disturbed kids like Nikolas Cruz, who isn't even old enough to buy alcohol legally, to get his hands on without breaking any laws. In fact, I think that, by "demanding" Wray's resignation, Rick Scott is doing double duty: he's carrying tRUmp's water on tRUmp-Russia AND he's deflecting from his own dastardly sucking of Wayne LaPierre's NRA dick. Thanks to these greedy Republican sick, dickless wonders, we've had EIGHTEEN SCHOOL SHOOTINGS this year already. Rick Scott doesn't give a shit about dead kids or FBI integrity--he just wants to take the well-earned blame off himself so he can keep running for office, greedy-ass piece shit that he is. Wray, on the other hand, is taking responsibility for his actions and the FBI's apparent failure--which shows more integrity than Rick Scott, tRUmp, and the House and Senate Republicans have ever shown over their combined lifetimes. I know...shocking, but there it is.
From the moment his orange face anus mouthed the words "I do," tRUmp has broken his oath of office and been in dereliction of his duties.
Jesus Christ...!
Yay!! GOOD for Florida! Every vote counts, so register NOW, friends!!!!!
Fuck tRUmp. And not in a way he might even remotely enjoy.
Deport Melania AND her parents--they're all here illegally!!!!! Srsly...I thought the Republicans didn't like commies...they sure lurve them now.
Looks like Rick Gates is cooperating with Mueller. Good.
This here is some scary, scary shit...BUT ERMAGERD HER E-MAILZ!!!!!
The Republican monsters really need to live for at least a year the same way they want teh poorz to live. I'd pull out the popcorn and pay to watch that shit!
What a cluster. For people and a party that was swooning and clutching its collective pearls over BUT ERMAGERD HER E-MAILZ, these people sure play fast and loose with national fucking security...
My poor dad is still in the rehab, so still no blawgging for me. I am zausted. He's getting stronger and stronger; I'm the one wiping out...ugh.
So, alas, all I can do for today is post a few vids. If I can scrape up the time and energy to blawg this weekend, I will...but don't hold your breath because I have an extra-crazy amount of stuff going on that I have to take care of singlehandedly.
Hang in there and keep fighting the fascist bastards--you know I will!
- Dot Calm's shadow
This murderous rat bastard should be strung up by his nads. Grrrrr!!!!!
I've been on Twitter trying to convince tRUmp to talk to Mueller. I'd pull out the popcorn and pay to see that shit.
Happy Mardi Gras, y'all--laissez les bons temps rouler!
Happy Mardi Gras, friends; my dad is still in the rehab, so the only blawgging I've done in recent weeks is micro-blawgging on le Twitter. Alas. Hopefully, my dad can come home next weekend, and I'll be back on the main blawg page commenting on the disaster that is tRUmp and the Republicans in more than 280 characters. Meanwhile, I hope you had your doughnut today!
- Dot Calm's shadow
I'll try to post another dump tomorrow becuz I lurves y'all madleh. Cross fingers for luck (oops--wrong holiday, yuk yuk).
Nunes is not only a traitor but a moron, and he's not only a moron but a traitor. That is the theme of several vids in this post.
Retired general John Kelly is betraying the United States. A general. A FUCKING GENERAL is betraying the United States. Oh wait--so did general Mike Flynn. DAFUQ is up with our military betraying us?!??
Friends, my dad is still in the rehab, and I am still splitting my time between work and whatever facility he is in. He was sick as a dawg one day last week, necessitating my taking the next day off work in case he needed to go to the doctor's; fortunately, he has been feeling much better and didn't even lose any ground in his progress toward getting sprung and my homecoming celebration for him, which the rehab expects I should be able to plan in about two weeks. Meanwhile, I am still too busy/tired to blawg, but I am still encapsulating the story of The Resistance in these vids.
- Dot Calm's shadow

Bahahahahaha! "Judge" Jeanine is as much a piece of shit as her jailbird husband, and I have no doubt she belongs in jail, too.