16 February 2018 m00bie dump #3
I hafta confess: Christopher Wray is tainted, as are all Republican filth, but he is showing more integrity than I ever suspected he would. And for that, I am grateful. Do I think he should step down because the FBI dropped the ball on the Parkland shooting? No--at least, not until Rick "Voldemort" Scott and tRUmp step down for making AR-15s so easy for disturbed kids like Nikolas Cruz, who isn't even old enough to buy alcohol legally, to get his hands on without breaking any laws. In fact, I think that, by "demanding" Wray's resignation, Rick Scott is doing double duty: he's carrying tRUmp's water on tRUmp-Russia AND he's deflecting from his own dastardly sucking of Wayne LaPierre's NRA dick. Thanks to these greedy Republican sick, dickless wonders, we've had EIGHTEEN SCHOOL SHOOTINGS this year already. Rick Scott doesn't give a shit about dead kids or FBI integrity--he just wants to take the well-earned blame off himself so he can keep running for office, greedy-ass piece shit that he is. Wray, on the other hand, is taking responsibility for his actions and the FBI's apparent failure--which shows more integrity than Rick Scott, tRUmp, and the House and Senate Republicans have ever shown over their combined lifetimes. I know...shocking, but there it is.
From the moment his orange face anus mouthed the words "I do," tRUmp has broken his oath of office and been in dereliction of his duties.
Jesus Christ...!
Yay!! GOOD for Florida! Every vote counts, so register NOW, friends!!!!!
Fuck tRUmp. And not in a way he might even remotely enjoy.
Deport Melania AND her parents--they're all here illegally!!!!! Srsly...I thought the Republicans didn't like commies...they sure lurve them now.
Looks like Rick Gates is cooperating with Mueller. Good.
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