Like Granny D, I have watched my own beloved country change, and I am angry beyond words about what I see. I grew up seeing America as the equivalent of the movie good guy, the hero in the white hat who came to the rescue of those in need around the world. I have watched in silent horror as the corporations, the captains and the kings of industry, used a comparatively small outlay of cash to buy the Republicans to use as their shills. George W. Bush is the puppet cowboy-king of shills, the proverbial emperor with no clothes. Every day, I watch these evil men legalize, legitimize, and institutionalize robbing the poor to pay the rich. They are carving up America like a giant carcass and doling out choice chunks of its meat to themselves and their cronies. Since the Democrats have been sipping at the same corporate teat where the Republicans have been gorging for the past generation, the fascists are free to do their worst; there is no longer any opposition. There is no one left to stand up for the rights of the American people, the Constitution, or the democracy, which I fear will be replaced by a fascist dictatorship in my lifetime. Wake up, America: we need a REVOLUTION NOW!
Fuck tRUmp. May he die in prison, and may he be dispatched there haste post haste. And may NATO immediately come to our defense against Putin, our attacker, under Article 5 by embargoing him back to the Stone Age.
Everyone knows that Vladimir V. Putin is gay. Just like American evangelicals, Putin hates gays because he is a closeted gay. Sad. That and Putin's Napoleon complex make him a sad, sad little man.
I for one am grateful that Michael Avenatti is involved and is a street fighter. I hate to admit it, but, sometimes, you have to punch the bully in the nose. I had that exact experience in grade school--took grief from the bully for seven years and finally cracked like Ralphie in a Christmas Story and socked the kid in the nose. I'll never know whether words would ever have done the trick instead--I hate to admit that I think not because I had used my words for seven years by then--but I do know that that punch in the nose shut that kid up for the rest of our time at that school.
Remember, Putin hacked into RNC computers, too. What do you think he's doing with all that dirt?
Friends, if you watch nothing else, watch Malcolm Nance on Stephanie Miller, and watch Randi Rhodes.
This is Randi's show from 11 July 2018. Seriously, friends, you need to watch every one of her shows this week. Seriously. Our democracy is in deep, deep trouble. Brett Kavanaugh told w he could ignore the law with signing statements--remember that? tRUmp loves that because he ignores the law anyway. What happens to America when tRUmp fires Mueller because Kavanaugh says the predisent [sic] is above the law and can't be brought to justice AS LONG AS HE'S IN OFFICE? And what happens when Kavanaugh says it's ok for tRUmp to ignore presidential term limits and MAKE HIMSELF PRESIDENT FOR LIFE, guaranteeing that he dies a free man after all his crimes?!??
Fuckers. Remember, folks--spay and neuter your Republicans! We must not allow them to breed!
Finally. Rat bastard still belongs in prison for the rest of his rotten life. Oh, and they replaced him with a straight-up energy lobbyist--imagine that.
Republicans are such heartless shits. Oh, and they don't know the difference between Central America, South America, Spanish, or Portuguese. So they're stupid shits, too.
The Greedy Grabby Grifting Oily Outrageous Oligarch Party of Pervs, Pedos, Predators, and Putinists strikes again--meet "Gym" Jordan
Republicans turn on tRUmp? For anything? Heh--I'll believe it when I see it.
Fuck Mitch McConnell. That bastard belongs locked under the prison--penniless for life.
So rat bastard Pruitt finally was quit-fired. GOOD. He'd better pay back every penny he STOLE from us!!!!! LOCK HIM UP! LOCK HIM UP!! LOCK HIM UP!!!
It's really simple, Dersh--if you don't want to be shunned, don't be a fucking monster. Maybe Buffy and Biff wouldn't shun your sorry ass from their posh Martha's Vineyard tennis club if you didn't try to normalize grand larceny committed not only on our treasury but on our democratic processes and our national security. It's bad enough that you celebrate Republicans starving grannies, killing our veterans, and shooting our children, but please don't be an apologist for fucking CAGING BABIES. Seriously, though, folks? I'm all for SHUN AND SHAME. Embarrass the bastards wherever and whenever you see them. Call them out personally to their faces. Make them sit at home alone eating cold, hard TV dinners. It seems to be the only form of protest they recognize.
Happy Second Civil War Day! Here's m00bie dump #1.
We have to pick off at least two Republican senators to say NO--tRUmp does NOT get a SCOTUS pick while under FBI investigation, investigation into his "foundation," taking emoluments, counter-intelligence, counter-espionage, money laundering, election fraud, etc. etc. etc. But as Rachel says--it's a winnable fight IF Democrats in the Senate have the cojones to engage.
Fuckers. I want to see every last tRUssia GOPer convicted and die penniless in jail if not hanged by the neck until dead for treason first.
Ugh. Dear god. Friends, PLEASE get out there and get one person who skipped voting to VOTE BLUE NO MATTER WHO this November. We have GOT to rein this in--it's literally our last chance.
Elections have consequences, America, and you have really shit the bed on this one.
tRUmp does nothing but lie and project. His beloved czar a yucko got hit with 15 health violations alone, let alone the over-70 health repeated or long-term violations in his "restaurants," which many people say basically serve high school cafeteria food: dry chocolate cake and steak that actually needs ketchup. Wouldn't it be ironic if tRUmp got sick being served food at one of his own establishments?
"Denying due process to anyone is denying due process to everyone." Hear, hear. And denying bodily autonomy to anyone is denying bodily autonomy to everyone--like taking away women's right not to use their bodies to save embryos' and fetuses' lives means it's ok by you if they haul you away and hack out part of your liver to give to one of the Koch brothers. Whatever rights you're willing to take away from others will be taken from you in due time, and you condone that.