9 June m00bie dump #2--the Caps won the Stanley Cup Thursday, and Justify won the Belmonst Stakes and Triple Crown today! W00t!!!
Another piece of horrible n00z this week--an all-too-good, all-too-intelligent soul, Anthony Bourdain, took his own life yesterday. Dear FSM. He was even-handed, relentlessly devoted to understanding the people of the world on their own terms, and dedicated to sharing all of us with each other so that we all could learn and love each other as the one human family we all truly are. His loss devastates me--especially since he absolutely loathed tRUmp, coining the spit-take-funny nickname "spambo" when agent orange cadet bone spurs bragged he'd have run unarmed into Stoneman Douglas to confront the gunman armed with an AR-15. *sigh*
Important video! Don't miss it!
Another important video...sickening but important. Yikes.
RUDEy Ghouliani is one disgusting, vomit-inducing piece of human filth. Period.
The fish rots from the head...Pruitt belongs not buying pens but living in the pen--and dying there penniless once we confiscate all the money he's stolen from us and put it back into saving the planet and ourselves.
I sooooo want Hannity to die penniless in jail. Give his millions back to the poor he's bilked in his FUX Noise conspiracy theories and "real estate" (aka money laundering) scams on the disadvantaged.
Hmmm. Veddy intedestink.
I hope this traitor rots in prison, too, and that his millions are confiscated and spent to benefit those among us who need it most. You know--everyone the Republicans hate.
Incredibly worthwhile, important show. Randi talks about suicide--its main cause being feeling disconnected from other people, which causes the feelings of low self-worth, feelings that our families would be better off without us--and the loss of Anthony Bourdain. I've thought about killing myself; so did Randi; so did her callers. Shockingly common--the kind of depression that leads people of all ages to consider taking their own lives does not discriminate by age, sex, wealth, success, fame, or anything else. In fact, fame seems to be a real killer because it's so isolating.
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