Like Granny D, I have watched my own beloved country change, and I am angry beyond words about what I see. I grew up seeing America as the equivalent of the movie good guy, the hero in the white hat who came to the rescue of those in need around the world. I have watched in silent horror as the corporations, the captains and the kings of industry, used a comparatively small outlay of cash to buy the Republicans to use as their shills. George W. Bush is the puppet cowboy-king of shills, the proverbial emperor with no clothes. Every day, I watch these evil men legalize, legitimize, and institutionalize robbing the poor to pay the rich. They are carving up America like a giant carcass and doling out choice chunks of its meat to themselves and their cronies. Since the Democrats have been sipping at the same corporate teat where the Republicans have been gorging for the past generation, the fascists are free to do their worst; there is no longer any opposition. There is no one left to stand up for the rights of the American people, the Constitution, or the democracy, which I fear will be replaced by a fascist dictatorship in my lifetime. Wake up, America: we need a REVOLUTION NOW!
Now here's a serious whiskey-tango moment, friends.
I want shitheel tRUmp, his shithole fam, and every last fucking GOP traitor, big-money donor, and tRUmPEWtin asslicker to die penniless in prison while we restore the money they stole from us back into our society to help those in need.
Old but worth remembering--especially now that Ireland has overturned its abortion ban.
No collusion...YOU'RE the collusion...! Oh, yeah? Then why are there so many goddamn Russians--why are there so many goddamn indictments and guilty please, huh huh huh?!
Ha. And crap like this is why we call tRUmp "stupid Watergate."
Not only does Pruitt need to be fired, but he needs to be thrown in fucking prison.
Hm...! But not surprising, eh?
Hm! Methinks orange foolius is scared shitless of Hottie Avenatti!
Poor fucker Carlson. FOX men are so...beta.
Friends, the GOP is robbing us blind. We MUST get the fuckers OUT!!!!!
Hm. Interesting. So, Schneiderman was Frankened to some extent--although what he did was obviously far worse than anything Franken ever did, Schneiderman was indeed set up because he was investigating tRUmpCo's crimes. But, hey, sexual assault is only bad if you're a Democrat--it's godly and good if you're a fascist GOP putinist traitor.
Alas, the fascist GOP putinist traitors only like military members and vets as props for photo ops.
OK, this is insane. As I understand it, WHILE IN OFFICE, tRUmp hired an Israeli firm to smear architects of the Iran nuclear deal so he'd have something to point to when he took the United States out. Holy fucking crap!!!!! And yet, Republicans are totally fine with this. They ALL belong in prison for life, penniless--we will take back every penny they and their rich donors stole from us and put it to good use, feeding the hungry, educating everyone (especially tRUmpers), housing the homeless, rebuilding our infrastructure, and getting the country back on track--not to mention perhaps the most important of all: RESTORING ACCOUNTABILITY. No more money in politics; no more for-profit MEDIA, medicine, pharmaceuticals, education, prisons, insurance, ...!
Gawd, what a shame. Schneiderman coulda been a contender. He was such a powerful voice for women...yet, apparently, like so many other men in power, he lost his perspective and literally beat up on women when he felt like it. Horrifying. I wasn't convinced at first that Schneiderman wasn't being Frankened--I'm still not convinced that Franken did anything wrong--so I reserved judgment until I heard what the women themselves had to say. And what they had to say was convincing and horrifying.
I love how Michael "Hottie" Avenatti keeps beating tRUmp at his own game of using the media to continually redirect the public's attention. Heh heh heh!
Do ya think that tRUmp does this to her on purpose? Even if he does, I have no sympathy for her. She's a fake, lying, plastic piece of trash who's in the country illegally. And she knew he was a snake when she took him in.
tRUmp wants war with Iran because, like w, he thinks it's good to be a "wartime predisent." He thinks that shooting America in the foot will get him higher ratings. He also gets to kiss Putin's ass by creating the instability in the Middle East that drives up the prices for Putin's oil while giving Putin more buyers for his weaponry of war. And he also gets to masturbate Israel and the evangelicals, who are lusting for Armageddon through war with Iran. Even John McCain sang, "Bomb bomb bomb...bomb bomb Iran." What's not to love? [excuse me while I go vomit]
hahahahahahaha--LOVE IT!!!!! Friends, this is kick-the-bed funneh!! horrifying. I hope Mueller has what he needs. Honestly, friends, this corruption has to stop. The next Democrat who gets in had damn well better clean house and hold every last crook and traitor accountable, going right back to and including Reagan's ghost--Oliver North belongs in jail, not running America's loudest terrorist organization. And we need to confiscate every penny we can reach of Putin and his oligarchs and sanction him back to the stone age until he remembers his place in the world--little, little man. And we'll only lift those sanctions when Russia has a true democracy and an egalitarian distribution of wealth--by then, we'll have shown them how it's done. Or maybe President Navalny will be able to negotiate the lifting of sanctions once he's in office and Putin's where he belongs--in prison for life.
Sometimes, I really love me some Jim Jeffries!
Dear ones, Mark Zuckerberg is not your friend. He never was; he never will be.
Um...yes? Even I can tell you that!
I want every last one of these corrupt tRUmp bastards locked up for life--and Melania deported back to Slovenia, never to enter the United States again under threat of arrest.
Rudy isn't "different" now. He has always been this way. New Yorkers always knew. They tried to tell us, just like they tried to tell us about tRUmp. New Yorkers know their own, and they know who their enemies and friends are--which is why they voted Hillary back into the Senate. Remember that: tRUmp was trounced in New York, but New York loves them some Hillary.
Ha! Good one!
So. tRUmp, who proudly calls himself the king of debt, goes on a CASH real estate spending spree? Where could all that cash be coming from, since he obviously doesn't have two nickels to rub together? Could it be...RUSSIA? Maybe he's born with it, maybe it's MONEY LAUNDERING....
If you watch nothing but Randi Rhodes, you will be well informed. This Friday's video was very, very important. Don't miss it!
The pieces by Rachel Maddow on Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein are amazing--I think I love Rod Rosenstein! As I tweeted out, you can tell a lot about a man by his heroes. tRUmp worships dictators and thugs; Rod Rosenstein admires AG Robert H. Jackson.
Holy wow--do you agree with Cenk that tRUmp would resign to save his daughter-wife from going to prison? I think it's an interesting notion, but I don't think tRUmp would give up anything for anyone, including KKKremlin Barbie.