11 May 2018 m00bie dump #2
OK, this is insane. As I understand it, WHILE IN OFFICE, tRUmp hired an Israeli firm to smear architects of the Iran nuclear deal so he'd have something to point to when he took the United States out. Holy fucking crap!!!!! And yet, Republicans are totally fine with this. They ALL belong in prison for life, penniless--we will take back every penny they and their rich donors stole from us and put it to good use, feeding the hungry, educating everyone (especially tRUmpers), housing the homeless, rebuilding our infrastructure, and getting the country back on track--not to mention perhaps the most important of all: RESTORING ACCOUNTABILITY. No more money in politics; no more for-profit MEDIA, medicine, pharmaceuticals, education, prisons, insurance, ...!
Gawd, what a shame. Schneiderman coulda been a contender. He was such a powerful voice for women...yet, apparently, like so many other men in power, he lost his perspective and literally beat up on women when he felt like it. Horrifying. I wasn't convinced at first that Schneiderman wasn't being Frankened--I'm still not convinced that Franken did anything wrong--so I reserved judgment until I heard what the women themselves had to say. And what they had to say was convincing and horrifying.
I love how Michael "Hottie" Avenatti keeps beating tRUmp at his own game of using the media to continually redirect the public's attention. Heh heh heh!
Do ya think that tRUmp does this to her on purpose? Even if he does, I have no sympathy for her. She's a fake, lying, plastic piece of trash who's in the country illegally. And she knew he was a snake when she took him in.
tRUmp wants war with Iran because, like w, he thinks it's good to be a "wartime predisent." He thinks that shooting America in the foot will get him higher ratings. He also gets to kiss Putin's ass by creating the instability in the Middle East that drives up the prices for Putin's oil while giving Putin more buyers for his weaponry of war. And he also gets to masturbate Israel and the evangelicals, who are lusting for Armageddon through war with Iran. Even John McCain sang, "Bomb bomb bomb...bomb bomb Iran." What's not to love? [excuse me while I go vomit]
hahahahahahaha--LOVE IT!!!!! Friends, this is kick-the-bed funneh!!
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