Like Granny D, I have watched my own beloved country change, and I am angry beyond words about what I see. I grew up seeing America as the equivalent of the movie good guy, the hero in the white hat who came to the rescue of those in need around the world. I have watched in silent horror as the corporations, the captains and the kings of industry, used a comparatively small outlay of cash to buy the Republicans to use as their shills. George W. Bush is the puppet cowboy-king of shills, the proverbial emperor with no clothes. Every day, I watch these evil men legalize, legitimize, and institutionalize robbing the poor to pay the rich. They are carving up America like a giant carcass and doling out choice chunks of its meat to themselves and their cronies. Since the Democrats have been sipping at the same corporate teat where the Republicans have been gorging for the past generation, the fascists are free to do their worst; there is no longer any opposition. There is no one left to stand up for the rights of the American people, the Constitution, or the democracy, which I fear will be replaced by a fascist dictatorship in my lifetime. Wake up, America: we need a REVOLUTION NOW!
You NEED to watch this. Sometimes, parody is as serious as a heart attack. Let me give you a hint: tRUmp wants to build AND USE moar low-yield nuclear bombs, but did you know that the bombs we dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki were LOW-YIELD nuclear bombs?!??
Holy cow--too awesome!
For one thing, WE FUCKING NEED TERM LIMITS BACK!!!!! For another thing, John is 100% right regarding the Democrats right now: we need real progressives with real ideals who stick to their guns; otherwise, the wave that sweeps them in will sweep them right back out in another two or four years. We HAVE to repeal Citizens United and fire all the lobbyists and take OUR government back and put it to work for OUR welfare, like the preamble to the Constitution says!
John's laugh...John's laugh. So infectious! But what's nuts is that these GOP morons even allowed Putin's puppet tRUmp to lead the party in the first place. Their demise is their own damn fault, and I can't wait to see them all go down hard.
I love me some Iron Stache. We need him to fix Paul "granny starver" Ryan's bullshit and save American workers and their families from the idle, vain, greedy rich--and restore the rule of law.
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