25 March 2018 m00bie dump #1
Friends, if you watch nothing else, watch these two guest vids of Fernand Amandi sitting in for Randi Rhodes. The March for Our Lives yesterday was pivotal for our safety as a nation; the preservation of the Mueller investigation and the rule of law are pivotal for our continued existence as a democracy. The oligarchs have had their fun--now it's time for Us the People to retake the reins and boot these criminals, killers, and destroyers out on their asses.
Wow. Poor Randy Credico--he's slippery; he's a loser; and he's a self-made imbecile who's evidently fried too many brain cells with mind-altering, neuron-destroying chemicals. He pleaded the 5th, so he's evidently been a naughty boy. But I still trust Roger Stone even less.
Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg may as well be a Russian agent--the bastard. He thinks he can hide behind his baby face and lie his way through this mess to keep all his billions. He sold out this country for a quick buck. I hope he loses every penny.
Hopefully, Bolton will be refused a clearance. That's the only thing keeping us from first-strike nuclear war with Iran and North Korea. These bone spur chicken hawks need to live among bombed out peoples for at least a year, foraging for food and water, before even mentioning the word "war."
The only people tRUmp won't disparage on Twitter are Putin and Stormy Daniels. Hm.
Like the Twitter commenter says, I'm joining whatever political party the Parkland kids just started.
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