15 April 2018 m00bie dump #2
This story is a-maz-ing. Only Seth could tell something so harrowing and so touching in such a warm yet spit-take funny way. Gotta love New York. Oh, and congratulations, Seth, to you and your lovely wife and family! I'm glad for you that you have a strong support network. I wish every American family did, and I know you do, too.
The only reason Paul "granny starver" Ryan is retiring from Congress is so that he can make bank as a lobbyist. These bastards should NEVER be allowed to be lobbyists--we shouldn't even HAVE lobbyists!!!!!
Still not a fan of Morning Joe, but his panel is sometimes well worth watching. To some extent, I like Mika, but not enough to watch most of the segments they post. NEED MOAR RACHEL MADDOW.
Must watch. Srsly. I say that about every Randy Rhodes segment, and I mean it. This show is all about what a shit w was and what a fucking disaster his whole "administration" was...for anyone who sees tRUmp and thinks they miss w. Don't go there, friends...don't go there.
I fucking love this. Michael Cohen swore left, right, up, down, and sideways he was never in Prague...even showed his passport as "proof." And yet there IS proof he went to Prague in 2016...and I'm sure it wasn't to tour sites featured in Michael Moore's "Where to Invade Next." This means that Choen LIED TO CONGRESS--a federal offense. LOCK HIM UP! LOCK HIM UP! LOCK HIM UP! Also important: this means yet another piece of the Steele memos verified.
At first, although I found Michael Avenatti photogenic and interesting to watch, I wasn't convinced he had any there there. I thought that he had "a" case but that maybe he was sensationalizing things on behalf of his client and for his own publicity. But when I realized what Cohen has said and done and what the FBI raid on him really means, I find myself glued to the screen whenever Mr. Avenatti comes on: his insights are quick, clear, and decisive. He is engaging and informative--definitely well worth watching.
It's beyond rich that the crooked, corrupt, constantly lying slimeball in the White House should ever deign to project his filth onto a man of integrity like James Comey. You'd think that tRUmp's and Sarah huckster sandbag's pants would spontaneously burst into flames.
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