Sunday, March 25, 2018

25 March 2018 m00bie dump #2

DO NOT reminds me of what I want to do to tRUmp's predisency [sic]--DO NOT RESUSCITATE.

Here's the other guest Randi vid with Fernand Amandi. Do yourself a favor and watch the whole thing.

tRUmp's new "legal" team isn't about defense--it's about PR.

tRUmp is such a moron. Obama acknowledged Putin's "victory"--he never congratulated him. And 2012 happened before Russia interfered in our 2016 election and installed tRUmp, who couldn't wait to kiss his boss Putin's ass by congratulating him and by firing Rexxon and McMaster the day after each denounced Putin on the world stage. The Saudis have Kushner in their pocket; Putin has tRUmp in his pocket; and we, the United States of America, are fucked.

This is hard hard hard to watch. Imagine hiding in the closet for 6 minutes, 20 seconds while a gunman with a machine gun rampages through your building, mowing down your friends and mentors. Watch if you haven't already--FEEL how long that silence really is. Dot Calm's own life was impacted several times by gun violence. She lost a favorite uncle to suicide--he came back mentally broken from serving in WW II as a Marine. In the summer of 1971, the first mass shooting she'd ever heard of happened in the office building where she used to work a few short months prior: a disgruntled ex-employee hunted down and shot all the men he could find, killing one of her neighbors. The next school year, a gunman entered a local Catholic school and shot a priest and a teacher; he killed the priest, but the teacher showed up, partially disabled with a brace on her right arm, at Dot's children's school some five years later. Dot Calm lost a coworker to a vigilante who watched too much television: he killed the young woman Dot had befriended on her honeymoon while trying to shoot out the tires of the get-away car of the bandits who had robbed a convenience store. And, not long after Dot retired to what she hoped would be the peace and quiet of North Carolina, a disgruntled man shot his ex-wife, Dot's banker, dead out of jealousy, getting him a mere two months in prison because North Carolinians care more about dogs and fetuses than adult women.

25 March 2018 m00bie dump #1

Friends, if you watch nothing else, watch these two guest vids of Fernand Amandi sitting in for Randi Rhodes. The March for Our Lives yesterday was pivotal for our safety as a nation; the preservation of the Mueller investigation and the rule of law are pivotal for our continued existence as a democracy. The oligarchs have had their fun--now it's time for Us the People to retake the reins and boot these criminals, killers, and destroyers out on their asses.

Wow. Poor Randy Credico--he's slippery; he's a loser; and he's a self-made imbecile who's evidently fried too many brain cells with mind-altering, neuron-destroying chemicals. He pleaded the 5th, so he's evidently been a naughty boy. But I still trust Roger Stone even less.

Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg may as well be a Russian agent--the bastard. He thinks he can hide behind his baby face and lie his way through this mess to keep all his billions. He sold out this country for a quick buck. I hope he loses every penny.

Hopefully, Bolton will be refused a clearance. That's the only thing keeping us from first-strike nuclear war with Iran and North Korea. These bone spur chicken hawks need to live among bombed out peoples for at least a year, foraging for food and water, before even mentioning the word "war."

The only people tRUmp won't disparage on Twitter are Putin and Stormy Daniels. Hm.

Robert and his daughter Rebekah Mercer...for feckless, completely irrational billionaires who hate anyone not as rich, white, and crazy as themselves...who are no less bigoted than Steve Bannon and his tiki-torch-wielding adherents...who want my dad's last $5,000 despite his having earned it...they seem nice. ...NOT.

Like the Twitter commenter says, I'm joining whatever political party the Parkland kids just started.

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

21 March 2018 m00bie dump #2

*sigh*...what a treasure we have lost. I weep.

Insane--one of many smoking guns that will take tRUmp down. We MUST make sure these rat-bastards pay. Send them to prison for life or hang them by the neck until dead for treason; take every red cent they've stolen from us and give all that money back to Us The People. Then change the law and make new ones to ensure this shit never happens again.

21 March 2018 m00bie dump #1

The description box for this video on YouTube mentions the 10th Annual Heretic's BBQ. I wonder if they serve literal baby back ribs.

Lol! I laughed uncontrollably every nanosecond Bill Hader was on my screen doing SNL...!

Saturday, March 17, 2018

St. Paddy's Day m00bie dump #2

Don't miss this video. Wowzers.

St. Paddy's Day m00bie dump #1

Happy St. Paddy's Day, fam! I'm still catching by breath from finally getting my dad home and hope to write more than microblog Twitter posts soon. Stay t00ned!
- Dot Calm's shadow


Tuesday, March 13, 2018

13 March 2018 m00bie dump #2


13 March 2018 m00bie dump #1

Sunday, March 11, 2018

11 March 2018 m00bie dump #1

Friday, March 9, 2018

10 March 2018 m00bie dump

Yick--what a fat, slimy prick.

ZOMG--one of Randy Rainbow's best EVAR! My money is on the kids--not disgusting piece of shit Dana "I'm a monster composed entirely of human filth" Loesch, who's worse than a waste of oxygen.

Wonderful! Leonard Cohen would be proud.

Monday, March 5, 2018

5 March 2018 m00bie dump #1


Don't want to go broke? Then don't fucking molest children!!!!! Conservative logic, er, isn't. Thoughts and prayers, Roy...thoughts and prayers. There--now you're richer than tRUmp!

5 March 2018 m00bie dump #1

Oh noes, Murkin' ammosexuals--Donald tRUmp is comin' for your guns...he sez take the gunz first and do due process later!!!!!

Friends, this is a big deal--a Very Big Deal.