Thursday, October 5, 2017

5 October 2017 m00bie dump #1

Have you seen Rexxon's hostage video yet? If the man ever had a penis, it fell off while they taped that video!

tRUmp and his effin' swamp effin' STINK!

No duh, Rachel!


Greedy fucking jackass. I want every penny back!!!!!

Feckin' [sic] BRILLIANT!

POTUS Kelly must've confiscated tRUmpy's ickle phone because--contrary to popular expectation--there was no apparent tweetstorm from Putin's cock holster the following Sunday morning!

Since both the Republican government and the corporate media are only out to fleece us for a buck, the only people we can trust for accurate, serious news and analysis are...the comedians?!??


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