Thursday, December 28, 2017

28 December 2017 m00bie dump #2

All the so-called moderate Republicans are leaving Congress like rats off a sinking ship.

This is just a "HA HA!" in case Putin's cock holster should ever stumble across this humble blawg.

Ok, look--Putin is projecting again, LOL!

From earlier this month but still awesome

I'm posting more than one video about this because each one picks out a different, important piece of the story

28 December 2017 m00bie dump #1

These are great if you can stomach them--excellent reminders of where we've been, the bullets we've so narrowly dodged, and the crap that's hit us.

tRUmp's approval numbers are in the shitter and headed down the drain. And this is the high water mark for tRUmp.

And tRUmp and the Republicans are perfectly happy with this arrangement. It's as if Winston Churchill had sold out Great Britain's sovereignty to Hitler with his party's full approval.

This is the time of year for year-end retrospectives. Here's one of 32 of Putin's cock holster's tweets.

We need this so badly...and I don't trust a single Republican to support it.

Zuckerberg is a piece of shit. He parlays off his innocent-looking ickle baby face while knifing his own country in the back for money. He knew all along that FaceBook could be hijacked with fake news and fake accounts for authoritarian political gains--he saw Duterte do it in the Philippines as far back as 2015 for their May 2016 election, and he did nothing to stop the Russians from using FaceBook to hijack our election months later...all while claiming "who, li'l ol' me?" fake innocence. Like the rest of the traitors, Mark Zuckerberg needs to be tried and, if found guilty, hanged by the neck until dead.

The title of this video states that tRUmp's voter fraud investigation has backfired, but the backfire is on us, not on tRUmp or his regime. Cenk and Ana discuss how tRUmpanzees and ammosexuals are as skr00ed as the rest of us by letting the federal government collect all this information about all of us into one place where I guarantee you it will not be effectively safeguarded. I'm sure Putin already has it--which, I'm sure, was tRUmp and Kobach's original intent.

Saturday, December 23, 2017

CriFSMas Eve m00bie dump #2

CriFSMas Eve m00bie dump #1

Whoops! They finally admitted it.

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

19 December 2017 m00bie dump


Sunday, December 17, 2017

M00bie dump for Beethoven's baptism day

The embedded video from Ezra Klein of Vox explaining why we need Medicare for all--why it will SAVE us as a nation trillions of dollars--is well worth watching

For the epic tRUmp takedown USA Today unleashed, Cenk remembers some of their fascist pandering of the past and hopes that the "new" USA Today hangs around for a good long time because they're awesome

The State Department is going to take decades to rebuild...but the court systems may already be beyond repair thanks to TURDleman McConnell stealing Obama's seats and giving them to tRUmp. They allowed Obama to approve three appeals court justices (the rung just below SCOTUS); they've rammed through twelve of tRUmp's Federalist Society (think John Birch Society) picks--all very young (so sure to do decades of damage), very stupid, very incompetent, very hateful (of women, LGBTQ+, civil rights, etc.), very unconstitutional, and very anti-American. The example that went viral this week? A GOP senator having to question five nominees in five minutes total, where one of them not only lacks experience but also lacks any understanding of basic law. And remember--DINOs like Heidi Heitkamp voted to approve these monsters to destroy our court system.

Here's the video of the nominee confessing while pretending not to confess that he doesn't have any idea that, in effect, "D" comes after "C" in the alphabet.

Every everlovin' Greedy Gropey Oily Oligarch Pedophile Putinist hates Mueller and the FBI now and wants to dismantle the special counsel investigation. If that-snot a clear and present admission of their own and tRUmp's guilt, I dunno what is.

This is interesting...really interesting.

63 million of us saw this shit coming.

Listen to Cenk, friends, listen to Cenk. Dan Johnson took the weakling coward's way out; Cenk shows the better way.

THIS is why Little Marco pretended to fight the tax scam bill...and THIS is why Lyin' Ryan isn't running next time--both of those Putinist bastards want to be President! FUCK THEM BOTH and the horse Roy Moore rode in on!

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

13 December 2017 m00bie dump

Important! Especially since the greedy gropey old oligarch pedophile Putinists are at it again!



Karma's a bitch, Omarosa!

Decency won last night!

So wonderful!!!

Saturday, December 9, 2017

9 December 2017 m00bie dump #2

Naveed makes a really interesting point: Hope Hicks was the only one who received a defensive brief from the FBI. Not Flynn, Kushner, or the rest of them. Why? Hmm.

9 December 2017 m00bie dump #1

Friends, America is no longer considered a full democracy. As of tRUmp's inauguration, we were considered a flawed democracy. What must we be now--what will we be a year from now? THIS is why we fight!
I fucking love this. Blacks, women, people with brains--everyone donald john trump hates--laughing their asses off at him!

Saturday, December 2, 2017

3 December 2017 m00bie dump #1