Tuesday, November 28, 2017

28 November 2017 m00bie dump #2

I haven't posted anything from Mr. D lately, so what the hey?

Rly? I didn't even know he HAD an ethics chief!

I can't resist posting this again.

28 November 2017 m00bie dump #1

These throwback mash-ups are great! tRUmp has shit so hard and so fast on so much that it's too easy to forget just how much he's done...

...aren't you glad you watched those? I know I was!

If you read todaze post on the main blawg, you know I agree with Randi that these are our darkest days...and I didn't even cover tRUmp's attack on the media and his pushing of the MAGA Pill website that makes Alex Jones look as calm, cool, collected, and rational as Anderson Cooper. tRUmp's CNN attack legitimizes dictatorships all over the world denouncing honest reporting as "fake news," justifying themselves to continue raping, pillaging, stealing, and literally enslaving people. How much damage can one extremely damaged man in the White House do?!??

Ugh. Well, dammit, if none of the fucking sexual assault-committing predators in the GOP are resigning, then Al Franken damn well better not resign. Same for John Conyers, whose behavior is allegedly worse than Franken's.

Monday, November 20, 2017

20 November 2017 m00bie dump

Can't resist running this one again!

SNL really nails Uday, Qusay, and smarm-master Julian "As punchable as Martin Shkreli" Assange

Under the vicious Republican tax plan, if you make less than $75,000 per year, your taxes will go UP so that millionaires' and billionaires' taxes can go DOWN. Let THAT sink in!

Thursday, November 16, 2017

16 November 2017 m00bie dump #2

As I tweeted: who the hell is Blake Shelton?!??


Lest I forget...Beauregard's tendency to "forget"

16 November 2017 m00bie dump #1

So wonderful!

Thursday, November 9, 2017

9 November 2017 m00bie dump...there is only one!

Heartbreaking...horrifying. Damn and damn.

Monday, November 6, 2017

6 November 2017 m00bie dump #1...and happy birFday, Jim!

Gawd, I just LUUUURRRRRRVE Kate McKinnon...!!!!!

This is some serious shit, boyz 'n' girlz. Serious FUCK ZUCKERBURG shit.


Wilbur Ross lied about Russian ties because of course he did

Thursday, November 2, 2017

2 November 2017 m00bie dump #1

You really need to watch this. Bigly.

Great interview on psychopathy--it's all tied to fear. Altruistic people feel and understand fear; psychopaths do not feel fear no matter the setting. That makes them impervious to punishment. Another flag for psychopathy is lack of empathy. Just like...you know.

If you're strong enough to have the fudge scared out of you even with the daily fresh hell heaped on us by the tRUmpublicans, turn off the lights and watch this...if you dare!