Saturday, June 23, 2018

23 June 2018 m00bie dump #2

Friends, I really had to steel myself up to listen to this. And I still wept. And I am still weeping. Don't say "this is not America" because it's what we've always been, starting from committing genocide on our native first nations and right through slavery. It's time to own our history so that we can chart a new course saying, "This is who we were, but we choose never to be that again."

WTF is wrong with Ann Coulter's face?!?? I swear--being evil fucks up your looks! Case in point: I'm old enough to remember when Sarah Palin was pretty--before she started looking all distorted like Lambchop!

JFC. Frankly, I'm shocked they didn't kick us out first.

I love this.

Baud2Bits hasn't been around lately--at least not on YouTube--but I still go back and rewatch some of his old vids. They're that good.

Here's one of my favorite Baud2Bits vids. It really struck me the first time I heard it a couple years ago.

Another on Prager, who's definitely FU'ed

Well, that was a fun little detour into critical thinking. And now, back to documenting our government's torture of innocent babies and children. Don't forget--Ryan and McConnell are using the tRUmp administration's crime against humanity to commit one against those of us who are already citizens paying into or collecting Medicaid, Medicare, and Social Security. I shit you not!

Chop off a limb, then throw a dainty Band-Aid toward the hemorrhaging stump...


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